Hajatan KIRJAS Sambut International Year of Chemistry (IYC) 2011

New York, Paris, 30 December 2008 - The 63rd General Assembly of the United Nations has adopted a resolution proclaiming 2011 as International Year of Chemistry, placing UNESCO and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) at the helm of the event.

Ethiopia submitted the U.N. resolution calling for the Year, which will celebrate the achievements of chemistry and its contributions to the well-being of humanity. The Year will also draw attention to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014. National and international activities carried out during 2011 will emphasize the importance of chemistry in sustaining natural resources.

Chemistry is fundamental to our understanding of the world and the cosmos. Moreover, molecular transformations are central to the production of food, medicines, fuel, and countless manufactured and extracted products. Through the Year, the world will celebrate the art and science of chemistry, and its essential contributions to knowledge, to environmental protection and to economic development.

“The International Year of Chemistry will give a global boost to chemical science in which our life and our future are grounded. We hope to increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry, increase young people’s interest in science, and generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry,” declared the President of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Professor Jung-Il Jin.

“I welcome the opportunity to celebrate chemistry, one of the fundamental sciences,” said the Director-General of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura. “Raising public awareness about chemistry is all the more important in view of the challenges of sustainable development. It is certain that chemistry will play a major role in developing alternative energy sources and in feeding the world’s growing population,” he added.

The year 2011, the 100th anniversary of the award of the Nobel Prize in chemistry to Mme Maria Sklodowska Curie, will also provide an opportunity to celebrate the contribution of women to science. The Year also marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the International Association of Chemical Societies (IACS), which was succeeded by IUPAC a few years later. IACS and IUPAC were established to address the needs for international scientific communication and cooperation among chemists by standardizing nomenclature and terminology.

In 2007, the IUPAC Council unanimously endorsed the plan to obtain the proclamation of 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry. Less than a year later, UNESCO’s Executive Board recommended the adoption of such a resolution which was submitted by Ethiopia and agreed to support all efforts leading the UN General Assembly to declare 2011 the International Year of Chemistry.


IUPAC was formed in 1919 by chemists from industry and academia. For nearly 90 years, the Union has succeeded in fostering worldwide communications in the chemical sciences and in uniting academic, industrial and public sector chemistry in a common language. IUPAC is recognized as the world authority on chemical nomenclature, terminology, standardized methods for measurement, atomic weights and more. In recent years, IUPAC has been pro-active in establishing a wide range of conferences and projects designed to promote and stimulate modern developments in chemistry, and also to assist in aspects of education and public understanding of chemistry. More information about IUPAC and its activities is available at www.iupac.org.

UNESCO, founded in November 1945 as a specialized agency of the United Nations, contributes to the building of peace, the alleviation of poverty, to sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, science, culture, and communication. In fulfilling its mission, UNESCO functions as a laboratory of ideas and a standard-setter to forge universal agreements on emerging ethical issues. The Organization also serves as a clearinghouse – for the dissemination and sharing of information and knowledge – while helping Member States to build their human and institutional capacities in diverse fields. Through these activities, UNESCO promotes international co-operation among its 193 Member States and six Associate Members. Its programmes in natural sciences focus on mobilizing science knowledge and policy for sustainable development in the areas of basic sciences, science education, ecological and earth sciences, water sciences and climate change. More information about UNESCO and its activities in the natural sciences is available at www.unesco.org/science

Jung-Il Jin
IUPAC President
Tel : +82 2 3290 3123
E-mail: jijin@korea.ac.kr
c/o IUPAC Secretariat
Tel.: +1 919 485 8700
E-mail: secretariat@iupac.org

Kabar gembira buat semua pecinta kimia, karena satu tahun mendatang tepatnya tahun 2011 dinobatkan sebagai Tahun Internasional Kimia 2011 (International Year of Chemistry – IYC 2011 – Our Life , Our Future, http://www.chemistry2011.org/). Gagasan Tahun Internasional Kimia 2011 ini pertama kali dicanangkan pada bulan Agustus 2007 pada pertemuan umum The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) di Turin Italia. Gagasan ini ternyata disambut baik oleh dewan PBB dan pada pertemuan PBB bulan Desember 2008, IUPAC dan Organisasi Pendidikan, Ilmu Pengetahuan, dan Kebudayaan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (UNESCO) menyetujui untuk merayakan tahun 2011 sebagai Tahun Internasional Kimia. Tahun 2011 juga bertepatan dengan peringatan 100 tahun penghargaan Nobel Prize Kimia untuk Mme Maria Sklodowska Curie, yang berarti juga peringatan akan kontribusi wanita ke ilmu sains.

Peranan kimia dalam kehidupan manusia begitu penting, seluruh materi baik padat, larutan dan gas tersusun dari berbagai unsur-unsur kimia dan bahkan seluruh proses kehidupan ditentukan oleh berbagai reaksi kimia. IUPAC dan UNESCO menyadari sudah saatnya untuk memperingati keberhasilan kimia dan sumbangannya bagi kehidupan manusia.

“Tahun Internasional Kimia akan meningkatkan apresiasi global terhadap perkembangan ilmu kimia dalam kehidupan kita dan masa depan kita. Saya berharap peringatan ini dapat meningkatkan kepedulian publik terhadap kimia dan meningkatkan ketertarikan kaum muda akan ilmu sains serta memberikan masa depan yang cerah bagi masa depan kimia”, sambutan dari Ketua the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Professor Jung-Il Jin pada pertemuan PBB.

Saya menyambut kesempatan untuk memperingati kimia sebagai salah satu dasar dari ilmu sains,” ujar Koichiro Matsuura, Direktur Umum UNESCO, “Meningkatkan kepedulian publik terhadap kimia adalah suatu hal yang sangat penting dalam rangka menjawab tantangan pembangunan yang berkesinambungan. Adalah hal yang mutlak bahwa kimia berperan penting dalam membangun sumber alternatif energi dan menghidupi populasi dunia yang terus berkembang” tambahnya.

Dalam memperingati Tahun Internasional Kimia 2011 akan direncanakan berbagai aktivitas dan event baik regional, nasional dan internasional yang didukung baik dari asosiasi kimia nasional, institusi edukasi, industri, pemerintahan dan organisasi non-pemerintahan. Aktivitas dan event ini berusaha memperkenalkan kepada publik luas tentang peranan kimia, memberikan solusi terhadap tantangan global, dan membangun generasi muda yang peduli terhadap sains.

(Soetrisno, www.chem-is-try.org)

Oleh Karena itu, kami Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja Jakarta Selatan (KIRJAS) bermaksud untuk ikut meramaikan peringatan International Year of Chemistry di Indonesia dengan menyelenggaranak event-event bernuansa pengeksplorasian dunia kimia. Beberapa kegiatan yang yang akan diselenggarakan tahun depan adalah:
  1. LPKS 3 2011 (Lomba Program Kreativitas Siswa) dg tema "create a great chemistry symposium.
  2. Simposium Nasional Kimia Molekuler
  3. LDP (Latihan Dasar Penelitian) dg tema "Kimia & Lingkungan Hidup)
  4. Secangkir Kopi "Membongkar Misteri-Misteri Kimia dalam Kehidupan Sehari-Hari" bersama pakar-pakar Kimia dr Puspitek Serpong
So..tetap update perkembangan Hajatan Kimia ini,,di FB kirjas..kir-jaksel@yahoo.com

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