Outburst Utilization Lapindo Mud Construction Prorotype

Teenagers scientific group of MAN 13 Jakarta, “Outburst Utilization Lapindo Mud Construction Prorotype” as a tool of that can be used for outburst energy power station Lapindo mud, filterize and former of the mud. This scientific work is made in order to qualified in selection Teenagers Scientific Group DKI Jakarta grade 2008. Guide Teacher: Ita Rahmawati, Spd.


Key Word: Lapindo mud, fluid, electricity generator , electromagnetic induction, filterize.

Lapindo mud, disaster that occurs at sidoardjo since 27 mays 2006, was disaster because of error drilling procedure that was done by PT. LAPINDO BRANTAS. This disaster is a natural disaster that gulp many loss of property, that make indonesia people felt restless, especially people of sidoarjo. If mud outburst is not stopped or is not processed, it's apprehensive will drown java. Therefore, researcher make tool that can make use of energy source that has castaway in vain, and can make use mud waste in order to become something more useful. The tool that was made by this author is a tool that use energy conservation laws principle concept, fluid pressure, electricity generator, electromagnetic induction, and filterization. the making of this tool, was done as testing from indicator that this tool can work well and can produce useful thing and a new energy source. This tool can produce electricity  power plant, clean water  filterization tool, and bricks  brick tool maker. Study that has done was meant to look for theories and application principles, upon which reference so the tool that researcher has made can work as according to law theories that had appear. Researcher expect this research can answer and decrease consequence of the problem beacuse of Lapindo mud outburst and later can be applied in a state of reality.

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